I used to have one of every card we had sent since our marriage in 1971, but the mice-in-the-attic disaster of a few years ago caused me to lose some of the earliest. I noticed patterns: the earliest cards were cardinals, then we went through a spell of Christmas trees decorated with birds and wild life, then there are all the rabbit cards from the house bunny years. Wise men have been a frequent motif. David always wants blue cards; I want deep red and gold.
A decade or so ago when my arthritis made it difficult to write, we began to order our cards pre-printed and used the computer to print lables. For the past 5 years at least, we have ordered our cards from cardsdirect.com and we get to choose the verse as well as the design. In early September we selected our custom verse, scriptures from Hosea and Isaiah: May you obtain joy and gladness and may sorrow & sighing flee away. Arise! Shine! The Light has come.
Our Christmas letter is written and I've started the mailing process. The average household sends about 30 cards; we ordered 125. We'll have cards left-over if I run out of time or I'll have to send left-overs from previous years if I keep thinking of people to add and find the time to act on my thoughts. No matter how many cards make it into the mailbox, we'll always feel like we missed someone we really want to wish, Merry Christmas & God bless you in the coming year.
What a great tradition! I have always wanted to send out Christmas cards and well this is our 4th married Christmas and it hasn't happened yet. (I am still working on change of address cards! 6 months later)
Enjoy your holiday feasts and fragrant tree!!
This is a great tradition-to save the cards you have sent! Jeremy and I have not once sent out a Christmas card or letter. We considered doing them for something irrelevant like St. Patrick's day, but never got around to it.
I found you! I had been wondering if you had a blog. I added you to my list and am excited!
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